"The best way to predict the future is to design it" - Buckminster Fuller, engineer, designer, futurist (1895-1983)

H2 Infrastructure is a new organization dedicated to creating a better, cleaner, more sustainable energy infrastructure within the United States. The primary objective is to construct a network of nonprofit renewable energy stations across the country in order to provide everyone with better alternatives to traditional fuels. 

We want to develop this infrastructure in order to create jobs and spur the development of alternative energy. In order to do that, America needs a good starting point. There is a common chicken-and-egg problem with renewable energy concerning which to develop first: the clean energy supply infrastructure or the alternatively-powered vehicles fueled by that infrastructure. This is seriously hindering progress regarding alternative power sources and vehicles. With a nationwide network of clean, affordable energy in place, it will be much easier for automobile manufacturers and others to produce more innovative vehicles and products which can take advantage of this newly available clean energy infrastructure. And, because this energy will  be environmentally friendly and domestically produced, we can create jobs, save money, and help the planet, all at the same time.

At H2 Infrastructure, we're solving the clean energy chicken-and-egg problem by removing profit from the equation. Whereas a for-profit energy company would have little reason to open a new network of clean power stations without a sufficient customer base to provide revenue, we at H2 intend to build the infrastructure first and then let people decide. Automobile manufacturers would undoubtedly produce more hydrogen fuel-cell and electric cars if there was more demand from consumers, but there will not be sufficient demand from consumers until we all see a functioning, affordable network of refueling stations become readily available. Cars that run on hydrogen are available right now, the technology is here today, but the car manufacturers will not rush to produce a product which currently has insufficient support (i.e. an energy infrastructure capable of refueling a large number of hydrogen cars). Many automobile manufacturers have hydrogen cars ready to go, just waiting on the creation of a refueling infrastructure in order to justify production.

H2 Infrastructure has been designed with the primary objective of bringing clean, nonprofit, renewable energy to as many people as we can. We need to rapidly accelerate the development and use of alternative energy vehicles. The technology exists now, the only question remaining is whether or not we are ready to put it to good use. H2 Infrastructure is here to make it happen.